After years of trial and error, I’ve discovered I might have been dealing with a lingering infection for the past five years. I’m finally addressing it and hoping this will help my energy levels and blood work recover. The joys of overdoing antibiotics as a kid!
I’ve been tinkering with the “eat the frog” method over the past few weeks and have settled on using Sunsama for my daily planning. I like it because I start every day with one big thing to do, focusing on that before getting distracted by email, Slack, and everything else. It also pulls tasks from Todoist and other places, which helps me feel like I’ve accomplished at least one meaningful thing—even on days when my motivation is running on empty.
Rabbit Hole:
I’ve been exploring my spending habits, specifically looking back at some of my bigger purchases over the last few years. I found I’ve wasted over $15k on things—like courses or clothes—that haven’t really improved my life, at least not six months later. Clothes are the biggest culprit, so I’m thinking about ways to cut back: either getting better at choosing a few pieces I really love or being more intentional about asking if I can use what I already have, rent, or borrow instead.
I haven’t been reading much lately because I haven’t been sleeping well, so I’ve been listening to podcasts instead. My new find is Two Percent by Michael Easter.
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